Gastrointestinal and liver diseases cause significant mortality
OCTOBER 26, 2012
Gastrointestinal and liver diseases cause significant mortality in our country. On rough estimate, 60-70% of our people suffer from disorders of the digestive system. Diarrhoeal diseases, malabsorption and malnutrition lead to deaths or may result in physical and mental retardation. One in five child deaths in the world happen in India. A large proportion of these deaths are due to diarrhoeal diseases.
Deadly infections
Epidemiological studies have shown that 4-7% of our population have chronic Hepatitis B Viral Infection. There are 350 million Hepatitis B virus infected people worldwide-42 million of them are in India. International data shows that approximately one million succumb to the infection every year.
Hepatitis B viral infection results in 10 times more deaths that AIDS in our country. Hepatitis B infection can be prevented through immunization (vaccination) and can be treated effectively using antiviral drugs if identified early. Hepatitis C Infection affects 1% of our people. Of the 11 million with this infection, the vast majority goes on to end-stage liver disease as the disease is detected very late. The spread of the disease is through improperly sterilized needles used for injections and unsafe blood transfusion.
Drinking your life away
Alcohol induced liver and pancreatic complications are on the increase. Studies report that 18-24% of adult males consume alcohol, many of them, in excess of recommended volumes. 8 million Indians are reported to have alcohol induced liver disease and 1.5 million suffer from cirrhosis of liver. This can lead to liver disease or cancer of the liver. Hepatocellular Carcinoma (Cancer of the liver) is the fourth most common cancer in the world. There are 14,000 new patients of liver cancer every year.
That Burning Sensation
Peptic Ulcer Disease results from bacterial infection. GastroEsophageal Reflux Disease that causes burning in the chest affects 3-5% Indians. The corresponding figures in the West are 10-20%. It has been shown that 60% of patients who report to emergency clinics suspecting heart attack actually suffer from Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease and therefore have a pain that is not cardiac in origin.
Other common diseases
Esophageal and stomach cancers are the third and fourth most common cancers in our country. Early detection and treatment reduces morbidity and mortality. Acute and Chronic Pancreatitis results in severe abdominal pain and complications that necessitate management in an intensive care. Alcohol and Gall stone disease are among the causative factors. 10% of Indians suffer from gall stones.Hepatitis A and E as well as Leptospirosis (Rat bite fever) can result in acute liver failure. These can be prevented through active public awareness, good hygiene and prevention strategies.
Deadly infections
Epidemiological studies have shown that 4-7% of our population have chronic Hepatitis B Viral Infection. There are 350 million Hepatitis B virus infected people worldwide-42 million of them are in India. International data shows that approximately one million succumb to the infection every year.
Hepatitis B viral infection results in 10 times more deaths that AIDS in our country. Hepatitis B infection can be prevented through immunization (vaccination) and can be treated effectively using antiviral drugs if identified early. Hepatitis C Infection affects 1% of our people. Of the 11 million with this infection, the vast majority goes on to end-stage liver disease as the disease is detected very late. The spread of the disease is through improperly sterilized needles used for injections and unsafe blood transfusion.
Drinking your life away
Alcohol induced liver and pancreatic complications are on the increase. Studies report that 18-24% of adult males consume alcohol, many of them, in excess of recommended volumes. 8 million Indians are reported to have alcohol induced liver disease and 1.5 million suffer from cirrhosis of liver. This can lead to liver disease or cancer of the liver. Hepatocellular Carcinoma (Cancer of the liver) is the fourth most common cancer in the world. There are 14,000 new patients of liver cancer every year.
That Burning Sensation
Peptic Ulcer Disease results from bacterial infection. GastroEsophageal Reflux Disease that causes burning in the chest affects 3-5% Indians. The corresponding figures in the West are 10-20%. It has been shown that 60% of patients who report to emergency clinics suspecting heart attack actually suffer from Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease and therefore have a pain that is not cardiac in origin.
Other common diseases
Esophageal and stomach cancers are the third and fourth most common cancers in our country. Early detection and treatment reduces morbidity and mortality. Acute and Chronic Pancreatitis results in severe abdominal pain and complications that necessitate management in an intensive care. Alcohol and Gall stone disease are among the causative factors. 10% of Indians suffer from gall stones.Hepatitis A and E as well as Leptospirosis (Rat bite fever) can result in acute liver failure. These can be prevented through active public awareness, good hygiene and prevention strategies.
Prof. Dr. George M. Chandy
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