Given only 2 months to live by Doctors elsewhere, 31yr old lives more than a year to tell his tale
MARCH 5, 2018
Life has not always been a constant giver for anyone and it was no exception in Mr. Pratik’s case. The day he thought his future was set, the same day life took a toll over him.
Born and brought up in Hooghly, West Bengal, single child in his family, he never had ‘No’ as an answer for anything in his life. Growing up with dreams of becoming a cricketer and representing India, at the age of 14, he made his 1st major step towards his goal. Heading his cricket team for the finals of a district level match, Pratik had already foreseen his growth in the field of cricket and a definite job over the victory of this match.
While bidding goodbye to his mother, he experienced a sudden excruciating pain in his left abdomen region. He was immediately rushed to a multispecialty hospital by his uncle and mother. After complete evaluation, the Doctors told his family that both his kidneys were severely damaged and the reason behind it was his long term intake of steroids. Mr. Pratik suffered from Epilepsy since childhood, a gene that he has inherited from his grandfather.
Shattered dreams:
The Doctors suggested for Kidney transplant surgery, but his family was not ready to put him under the knife at a very young age. So the Doctors told that he should not strain himself more, should not play or even run implying that he can no longer play anymore of cricket. This marked the end to his career in cricket. But, he was not ready to give up easily. He went to practise without telling his family. This lasted only until his mom found out about it and informed the coach about his health conditions. He tried pleading his coach, but his coach denied him from entering the ground considering his health condition. Mr. Pratik even recalls that, he has never cried to that extent as he cried that day. Everything in his life suddenly changed.
Few family friends had recommended to undergo Homeopathy treatment. From 2003 till 2016, he was on homeopathy medicines. His life seemed improving and he felt he was getting back to his gradual self. Not willing to lead a mundane and quiet life, Pratik started engaging himself in football occasionally, finished his college and even got placed in a reputed organisation.
Thought of regaining back life:
Pratik started finally thinking that his 13yrs of life filled with restrictions in food, physical activity and a lot more of things a person of his age should have enjoyed was coming to an end. Before his thoughts could be fulfilled, in Jan 2016, Pratik started experiencing issues with his hip and leg bones. His hips joints started getting locked at certain positions while playing, after which he was not able to release easily. His family thought that, his calcium levels would be low because he was restricted from non-veg foods due to homeopathy medicines. For almost a year, Pratik ignored this issue. The frequency of the joint locks and pain in the hip bone started increasing.
During a football game, Pratik’s hip joints got locked in a squatting position. His friends tried releasing him from that position on the field itself. But it was not possible. So, they had to carry him in the same position home. It was hours before he was finally able to stand straight. Even while sleeping, when he tries to turn there were times when his hip joints were getting locked. Not only the frequency, but the duration of his hip joint locks started increasing. Fearing about his condition, he finally decided to visit an Orthopaedic doctor.
Worst Nightmare:
In January 2017, Mr. Pratik went to a private multispecialty hospital for his hip locking problem where they screened and advised him that his kidneys are in a very bad shape and have to be treated 1st. He was immediately taken for Dialysis. During his 2nd Dialysis, he experienced seizures and became unconscious. He woke up after 72hours, with paralyzed legs which shook him and his family. Pratik says “It was a nightmare for me. It was actually Jan 9th, my birthday. One of the best days of my life every year had become my worst day. I thought my life was lost. Looking at my mother gave me more pain than looking at my static legs”.
The Doctor told his family that, they have to immediately take him for surgery for which they have to first pay 50lakhs. On asking whether Pratik will be completely cured after the surgery, the Doctor said that even after hip replacement surgery only 5% chances of walking was there. As his kidneys were in a bad shape, the chances of him developing complications post anaesthesia were more. When the family denied for such a surgery, the Doctor told to shift Pratik to a government hospital.
In the government hospital, orthopaedic surgeon there examined him completely and said that there is no point of treating him and his survival after 2 months is not at all possible. The words from the Doctor shattered Pratik’s family. Their last bit of hope was also lost. Pratik was so infuriated by the doctor for de-motivating him. Pratik says “Those words from the doctor sounded like my death sentence”.
Frustrated by the negative attitude of the Doctors, Pratik’s uncle owing to prior positive outcomes during his wife treatment at MIOT, decided to bring Pratik to MIOT. They had to come to Chennai by flight. His uncle had blocked 9 seats for him, because he can neither lay down flat nor can sit in one seat. They brought him in a stretcher to the flight, but he was not able to enter into the fight because he was not in a condition to lay down flat. On laying down flat, he developed severe pain in his hip region. So the airport authority provided him with 5 to 6pillows for him to bend backwards a little, so that he could get into the flight.
Approach to MIOT:
On 15th Feb, Mr. Pratik came to MIOT and was immediately evaluated by the Nephrologist in detail. He was diagnosed with CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE and was advised Haemodialysis (Thrice weekly). He was also evaluated by the Hip Replacement Surgeon, after all the physical and radiological investigations, he was diagnosed to have BILATERAL FRACTURE NECK OF FEMUR and planned for surgery. With all the assurance and hope, he was taken for a total hip replacement (both hips) surgery on 3rd March.
His postoperative period was uneventful. He was put on Physiotherapy and exercise post surgery and in a matter of 2months, he started walking again. He came for regular review checkups once every 2 months. An X-ray taken in August showed that his hip joint has been completely healed. On meeting the Nephrologist, he told that Mr. Pratik is all fit and ready for Kidney transplant. Luckily, his mother was a match and he was taken up for surgery. On 24th October, he was transplanted with his mother’s kidney on the left side. His right kidney was still functioning, so did not need replacement.
Now, Mr. Pratik is on close review with the Doctor. His condition has improved drastically.
Pratik said “The hardest part of this journey was not my suffering, but to see my mother and uncle suffer along with me. At an age, when I should take care of my mother, she is still taking care of me. But not even 1 day has she felt tired of doing this. Now it is my turn to take care of my mother and I whole heartedly thank MIOT for giving me that chance. They gave me back my life”.
He is waiting to go back to Kolkata and tell the Doctors there that it is almost a year and he is alive and very healthy. “1 year back, I was counting the number of days that I will live, but now MIOT has given me many years to live and I will live it to the fullest. Alas!!! My death sentence has been rescinded”.
Born and brought up in Hooghly, West Bengal, single child in his family, he never had ‘No’ as an answer for anything in his life. Growing up with dreams of becoming a cricketer and representing India, at the age of 14, he made his 1st major step towards his goal. Heading his cricket team for the finals of a district level match, Pratik had already foreseen his growth in the field of cricket and a definite job over the victory of this match.
While bidding goodbye to his mother, he experienced a sudden excruciating pain in his left abdomen region. He was immediately rushed to a multispecialty hospital by his uncle and mother. After complete evaluation, the Doctors told his family that both his kidneys were severely damaged and the reason behind it was his long term intake of steroids. Mr. Pratik suffered from Epilepsy since childhood, a gene that he has inherited from his grandfather.
Shattered dreams:
The Doctors suggested for Kidney transplant surgery, but his family was not ready to put him under the knife at a very young age. So the Doctors told that he should not strain himself more, should not play or even run implying that he can no longer play anymore of cricket. This marked the end to his career in cricket. But, he was not ready to give up easily. He went to practise without telling his family. This lasted only until his mom found out about it and informed the coach about his health conditions. He tried pleading his coach, but his coach denied him from entering the ground considering his health condition. Mr. Pratik even recalls that, he has never cried to that extent as he cried that day. Everything in his life suddenly changed.
Few family friends had recommended to undergo Homeopathy treatment. From 2003 till 2016, he was on homeopathy medicines. His life seemed improving and he felt he was getting back to his gradual self. Not willing to lead a mundane and quiet life, Pratik started engaging himself in football occasionally, finished his college and even got placed in a reputed organisation.
Thought of regaining back life:
Pratik started finally thinking that his 13yrs of life filled with restrictions in food, physical activity and a lot more of things a person of his age should have enjoyed was coming to an end. Before his thoughts could be fulfilled, in Jan 2016, Pratik started experiencing issues with his hip and leg bones. His hips joints started getting locked at certain positions while playing, after which he was not able to release easily. His family thought that, his calcium levels would be low because he was restricted from non-veg foods due to homeopathy medicines. For almost a year, Pratik ignored this issue. The frequency of the joint locks and pain in the hip bone started increasing.
During a football game, Pratik’s hip joints got locked in a squatting position. His friends tried releasing him from that position on the field itself. But it was not possible. So, they had to carry him in the same position home. It was hours before he was finally able to stand straight. Even while sleeping, when he tries to turn there were times when his hip joints were getting locked. Not only the frequency, but the duration of his hip joint locks started increasing. Fearing about his condition, he finally decided to visit an Orthopaedic doctor.
Worst Nightmare:
In January 2017, Mr. Pratik went to a private multispecialty hospital for his hip locking problem where they screened and advised him that his kidneys are in a very bad shape and have to be treated 1st. He was immediately taken for Dialysis. During his 2nd Dialysis, he experienced seizures and became unconscious. He woke up after 72hours, with paralyzed legs which shook him and his family. Pratik says “It was a nightmare for me. It was actually Jan 9th, my birthday. One of the best days of my life every year had become my worst day. I thought my life was lost. Looking at my mother gave me more pain than looking at my static legs”.
The Doctor told his family that, they have to immediately take him for surgery for which they have to first pay 50lakhs. On asking whether Pratik will be completely cured after the surgery, the Doctor said that even after hip replacement surgery only 5% chances of walking was there. As his kidneys were in a bad shape, the chances of him developing complications post anaesthesia were more. When the family denied for such a surgery, the Doctor told to shift Pratik to a government hospital.
In the government hospital, orthopaedic surgeon there examined him completely and said that there is no point of treating him and his survival after 2 months is not at all possible. The words from the Doctor shattered Pratik’s family. Their last bit of hope was also lost. Pratik was so infuriated by the doctor for de-motivating him. Pratik says “Those words from the doctor sounded like my death sentence”.
Frustrated by the negative attitude of the Doctors, Pratik’s uncle owing to prior positive outcomes during his wife treatment at MIOT, decided to bring Pratik to MIOT. They had to come to Chennai by flight. His uncle had blocked 9 seats for him, because he can neither lay down flat nor can sit in one seat. They brought him in a stretcher to the flight, but he was not able to enter into the fight because he was not in a condition to lay down flat. On laying down flat, he developed severe pain in his hip region. So the airport authority provided him with 5 to 6pillows for him to bend backwards a little, so that he could get into the flight.
Approach to MIOT:
On 15th Feb, Mr. Pratik came to MIOT and was immediately evaluated by the Nephrologist in detail. He was diagnosed with CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE and was advised Haemodialysis (Thrice weekly). He was also evaluated by the Hip Replacement Surgeon, after all the physical and radiological investigations, he was diagnosed to have BILATERAL FRACTURE NECK OF FEMUR and planned for surgery. With all the assurance and hope, he was taken for a total hip replacement (both hips) surgery on 3rd March.
His postoperative period was uneventful. He was put on Physiotherapy and exercise post surgery and in a matter of 2months, he started walking again. He came for regular review checkups once every 2 months. An X-ray taken in August showed that his hip joint has been completely healed. On meeting the Nephrologist, he told that Mr. Pratik is all fit and ready for Kidney transplant. Luckily, his mother was a match and he was taken up for surgery. On 24th October, he was transplanted with his mother’s kidney on the left side. His right kidney was still functioning, so did not need replacement.
Now, Mr. Pratik is on close review with the Doctor. His condition has improved drastically.
Pratik said “The hardest part of this journey was not my suffering, but to see my mother and uncle suffer along with me. At an age, when I should take care of my mother, she is still taking care of me. But not even 1 day has she felt tired of doing this. Now it is my turn to take care of my mother and I whole heartedly thank MIOT for giving me that chance. They gave me back my life”.
He is waiting to go back to Kolkata and tell the Doctors there that it is almost a year and he is alive and very healthy. “1 year back, I was counting the number of days that I will live, but now MIOT has given me many years to live and I will live it to the fullest. Alas!!! My death sentence has been rescinded”.
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