• MARCH 27, 2018
    Idiopathic Scoliosis treated at MIOT

    Idiopathic Scoliosis treated at MIOT

    Agnes Gerry parents noticed their daughters’ deformity when she was 6 years old and since then she was under the care of a local physician in Seychelles. But as she grew they noticed her deformity increased and unable to find a treatment solution Agnes Gerry…

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    • MARCH 27, 2018
    Successful Hip replacement in a patient with sickle cell Anemia

    Successful Hip replacement in a patient with sickle cell Anemia

    Patient has sickle cell anaemia. The blood cells in this disease are defective and they block the blood vessels. This can cause bone death. This lady had death of the bone in the right hip. She was unable to walk and was in severe pain. The two main problems were:…

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