Early in March 2020, Latha, a 56-year-old from Arakonam, Tamil Nadu complained of severe stomach pain. Agasthiya, Latha’s daughter, took her to a few local doctors who diagnosed it as an ulcer. Seeing her mother continue to suffer, she started to worry if it…
Mr. Venkatesh and Mrs. Keerthy, a Chennai-based couple from Andhra Pradesh, were expecting their first child. Mr. Venkatesh was skeptical about sending his wife back home for her delivery. Instead, he wanted to provide the mother and baby a secure environment within…
It was the early days of COVID-19 and a lockdown was just imposed. In the still of the night, at the stroke of the midnight hour, that the senior journalist Mr. Srinivasan suddenly found himself awake. He was woken up by a sudden, sharp chest pain. As the stabbing…
Being COVID positive didn’t stop Mr. Rajesh Kumar’s wife from getting immediate medical attention and timely lifesaving surgery for a complicated Hernia. MIOT’s care and compassion brought her life back to normal.
The story of cancer cure during the time of COVID – THE COVID FREE GREEN ZONE at MIOT. Mr. Samuel Bironga Mokaya from Kenya was diagnosed with colon cancer at one of the hospitals in Nairobi towards the end of September, 2020. This took him for a spin and…
During the nationwide lockdown Mr. Sundarrajan fell off a bicycle and fractured his left hip. The few hospitals that were open during the lockdown in Chennai hesitated to begin treatment because he not only had visible COVID-like symptoms, but he was also a diabetic,…
MIOT Hospitals successfully treated a 56-year-old patient with colon cancer during the pandemic.
Early in March 2020, Latha, a 56-year-old from Arakonam, Tamil Nadu complained of severe stomach pain. Agasthiya, Latha’s daughter, took her to a few local doctors who diagnosed it as an ulcer. Seeing her mother continue to suffer, she started to worry if it…
Read moreWith the MIOT family by her side, a pregnant lady delivered her baby during COVID-19.
Mr. Venkatesh and Mrs. Keerthy, a Chennai-based couple from Andhra Pradesh, were expecting their first child. Mr. Venkatesh was skeptical about sending his wife back home for her delivery. Instead, he wanted to provide the mother and baby a secure environment within…
Read moreBeing at the right place at the right time helped avert a crisis
It was the early days of COVID-19 and a lockdown was just imposed. In the still of the night, at the stroke of the midnight hour, that the senior journalist Mr. Srinivasan suddenly found himself awake. He was woken up by a sudden, sharp chest pain. As the stabbing…
Read moreExtending our care at the time of COVID-19
Being COVID positive didn’t stop Mr. Rajesh Kumar’s wife from getting immediate medical attention and timely lifesaving surgery for a complicated Hernia. MIOT’s care and compassion brought her life back to normal.
Read moreMIOT Hospitals – Our Care has no Boundaries
The story of cancer cure during the time of COVID – THE COVID FREE GREEN ZONE at MIOT. Mr. Samuel Bironga Mokaya from Kenya was diagnosed with colon cancer at one of the hospitals in Nairobi towards the end of September, 2020. This took him for a spin and…
Read more70-year-old patient with Hip Fracture & Open TB was saved by MIOT specialists
During the nationwide lockdown Mr. Sundarrajan fell off a bicycle and fractured his left hip. The few hospitals that were open during the lockdown in Chennai hesitated to begin treatment because he not only had visible COVID-like symptoms, but he was also a diabetic,…
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