• MARCH 27, 2018
    Idiopathic Scoliosis treated at MIOT

    Idiopathic Scoliosis treated at MIOT

    Agnes Gerry parents noticed their daughters’ deformity when she was 6 years old and since then she was under the care of a local physician in Seychelles. But as she grew they noticed her deformity increased and unable to find a treatment solution Agnes Gerry…

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    • JANUARY 3, 2018
    A 14yr old boy with scoliosis treated successfully at MIOT

    A 14yr old boy with scoliosis treated successfully at MIOT

    Mark was a normal playful child with uneventful childhood. However during schooling and summer camps, he was always shy to undress in front of others because of asymmetry of his back. His right half of the chest was protruding backwards like a hump and the front…

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